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Welcome to the Home Page of Blunderbuss!

BLUNDERBUSS is aimed at former members of both Farnham Grammar Schools and Farnham College who attended between 1971 and 1979.

The website has developed over the last few years and aims to reach a wider audience through cyberspace which will (hopefully) prompt wider and faster feedback, and bring back happy memories.

Currently BLUNDERBUSS is masterminded by Mike Mehta and John Clarke, who were involved in the production of the original Roneoed editions of BLUNDERBUSS (courtesy of Mrs Brown).

Visit our Facebook Page!

Geoff Whiting kindly set up a Facebook Group - “Farnham Grammar School Friends”. (“Blunderbuss” has already been used by another group.)

We hope the Facebook Group will facilitate easier posting & sharing of photos and other memories, although we aim to keep the website developing along its usual lines.

Bryan Bellars RIP

bryan bellarsWe regret to report the death of Bryan Bellars (1971-78) who passed away on 12th February.

After leaving the sixth form college, unlike many of his contemporaries who went to university, Bryan joined the RAF where he served for twenty-six years before retiring in 2003 and then took up teaching IT.

When Bryan contacted Mike Mehta 2015 he forwarded the photograph shown which we hope is a fitting tribute.

Bryan Bellars

Reference to holidays with Bryan mentioned on our Facebook page leads us to share the photo below.

Rev. John Innes RIP

We regret to report the death of popular teacher Rev. Innes on 4th January.

He taught at FGS and the sixth form college from 1967-1996. We will always be grateful for his willingness to attend many of the school reunions and OFA social events over the years and to say grace for us.

Our condolences go to his son Mike and the wider family.

The photo (right) shows Rev. Innes in the grounds of the Barley Mow at Tilford, prior to his final retirement and moving away from the area.

The photo (below) shows him with Mike and Jill at one of our earlier reunions in the hall at the former FGGS in Menin Way.


2024 Informal Summer Reunion

Saturday 22 June 2024

The date for this year's informal summer social event is Saturday 22 June, at the

Duke of Cambridge PH, Tilford Road, Farnham GU10 2DD tel: 01252-792236

All years welcome, please spread the word.

The pub opens at 11 am and brunch is available 11-3 pm, after which it switches to the a la carte menu (see link above for further details). The summer menu will be posted on the pub website from the Thursday before.

Those who have been before will know the pub has parking and a large outside garden and seating.

ABBA From Memory, with David Bathurst

Saturday 6 July 2024, St Blaise Centre, Boxgrove Priory, PO18 0EE

Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Mamma Mia – who doesn’t love all of them? Of course, they’re three of the greatest songs of ABBA, one of the most successful pop bands of all time. And on Saturday 6th July at the St Blaise Centre, in the grounds of Boxgrove Priory just outside Chichester, you’ll have the chance to enjoy not only their chart-topping singles but EVERY SINGLE SONG written and released by the band, as David Bathurst, an FGS student between 1971 and 1978 and now a solicitor from Yapton, West Sussex, will attempt to sing them all – over 120 in total – from memory.

David, who will be accompanied at the piano by talented Chichester musician David Russell, will start his Abbathon at 9.45am and expects to finish at around 5.15pm. The singing will be split into four sessions, separated by coffee/lunch breaks; in his first session David will concentrate on the band’s early output interspersed with songs from their 2021 Voyage album, but after that, starting with Waterloo – the song which 50 years ago wowed Eurovision in Brighton – David will take the songs roughly chronologically, ending with a rousing encore of the band’s most popular work.

Admission to the ABBA event is ABSOLUTELY FREE AND AT ANY TIME ON THE DAY – come when you can, go when you must. It would be grand for FGS to be well represented at the event! Soft drinks and biscuits will be available, for which just a donation is invited, but you are welcome to bring picnic food and there is an excellent pub, the Anglesey Arms, less than half a mile up the road. Although admission is free there will be a retiring collection which will be split between Boxgrove Priory funds, Sussex Snowdrop Trust which provides help for families in Sussex with children suffering life-threatening or life-limiting illness, and Sage House, a facility in Tangmere near Chichester providing day care for local people with dementia.